PDF (A4) PDF (letter) Music Notation

Optical Music Recognition (OMR)

Doing OMR is hard. Very hard. If you follow the OMR science links, you will find much more theses about OMR than there are public available programs.

Programs to scan sheet music

Optical Music easy Reader (OMeR)

Optical Music easy Reader (OMeR) by Didier and Olivier Guillion scans printed sheets and writes them as .msf files on Macintosh and Windows. I didn't find any documentation about the msf format. This format can be read by >Melody Assistant or its big brother Harmony Assistant which use .mus files. There are many different .mus formats and I don't know any documentation about this one. All three mentioned programs are shareware.

Both Assistants can export the data as abc files that can be read by many programs.

Musitek SmartScore

Details see Musitek SmartScorePro

SharpEye Music Reader

See Visiv SharpEye Music Reader.


See Vivaldi VivaldiScan.


See capella-Scan


Siehe Neuratron PhotoScore

MIDI-Connections SCAN

MIDI-Connections SCAN by MIDI-Connections for Wintel saves the scanned scores as Standard MIDI File and therefore inherits the limitations of MIDI. One should use MIDI only to play but not to print music.


Gamera is a "Software framework for the creation of domain-specific recognition applications" and one domain is Optical Music Recognition. It is a project at Johns Hopkins University by Ichiro Fujinaga, Michael Droettboom and Karl MacMillan. It exports in Guido format.

Audiveris Music Scanner

Audiveris Music Scanner is a Java programm. License: GNU General Public License (GPL v. 2.0). It exports to MusicXML format.

Music Publisher Scanning Edition

Text 'new' Music Publisher Scanning Edition is the Music Publisher music notation progrgram plus optical music recognition.

PDFtoMusic Pro Music Scanner

PDFtoMusic Pro Music Scanner extracts music from PDF files. It exports to MusicXML format, .msf format und MIDI format.

PDFtoMusic Music Scanner

PDFtoMusic Music Scanner extracts music from PDF files. It exports to .msf format und MIDI format.


Kawai Scoremaker (Japanese)

Middle C Software

Only for programmers: Middle C Software is to be made available primarily as a library for use by 3rd party software houses (written in C++).

OMR Science

Visual Perception of Music Notation by Susan Ella George, University of South Australia, Australia, IRM PRess (2004)

Strike Up the Score, Deriving Searchable and Playable Digital Formats from Sheet Music, by G. Sayeed Choudhury, Tim DiLauro, Michael Droettboom, Ichiro Fujinaga, Karl MacMillan

Info page on Optical Music Recognition by David Bainbridge.

An extensible Optical Music Recognition system by D Bainbridge

Dealing with superimposed objects in optical music recognition by D Bainbridge and T C Bell

Automatic recognition of printed music in the context of electronic publishing, thesis by Nicholas Paul Carter

Assessing Optical Music Recognition Tools by Pierfrancesco Bellini, Ivan Bruno and Paolo Nesi, Computer Music Journal Volume 31 Number 1, (Spring 2007)

More OMR pages

Bringing Sheet Music to Life: My Experiences with OMR

OMR (Optical Music Recognition) Systems by Donald Byrd.

My new eBook (in German)

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