Enigma Transportable Format (ETF)

ETF is written by Phil Ferrand and is the cross platform format of Finale . You can download the official ETF documentation if you have registered at least one product from MakeMusic (Coda) . You can also find the description and a parser in the Thesis of Margaret Cahill (in PDF and Word).

Han-Wen Nienhuys' description of the ETF format is incomplete but a good starting point to understand ETF.

Programs exporting Enigma Transportable Format (ETF) :

Finale music notation program

Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.4 or higher

Finale music notation program imports SCORE, ETF, FinaleFormat, MusicXML

Programs importing Enigma Transportable Format (ETF) :

Harmony Assistant - music composition and notation editing.

Mac OS 8.6, Mac OS 9.x, Mac OS X, Windows

Harmony Assistant - music composition and notation editing. exports MusicXML, RMTF, MIDI, abc, CreativeMusicFile

Finale music notation program

Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.4 or higher

Finale music notation program exports ETF, FinaleFormat, MusicXML

Sibelius - music notation software

Windows, Mac OS 8, Mac OS 9, Mac OS X

Sibelius - music notation software exports SibeliusFormat

etf2ly - ETF to Lilypond converter

Linux, Red Hat i386, LinuxPPC, SuSE, Shockware, Mandrake, Debian, Mac OS X, Darwin, NetBSD, Solaris, AIX, Windows

etf2ly - ETF to Lilypond converter exports LilyPond

Nightingale Desktop Music Publishing software

Mac OS 7 through 9, Mac OS X

Nightingale Desktop Music Publishing software exports Notelist

Feedback (questions, suggestions, broken links): Enigma Transportable Format (ETF)

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