
NoteEdit is the internal format of the NoteEdit . It is similar to the Mup format.

Programs exporting NoteEdit:

NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux

C++, Linux

NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux imports MusicXML, NoteEdit, MIDI

LilyPond - music notation program

Linux, Red Hat i386, LinuxPPC, SuSE, Shockware, Mandrake, Debian, Mac OS X, Darwin, NetBSD, Solaris, AIX, Windows

LilyPond - music notation program imports MusicXML, LilyPond

Programs importing NoteEdit:

NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux

C++, Linux

NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux exports abc, MusicXML, LilyPond, NoteEdit, PMX, MusiXTeX

Feedback (questions, suggestions, broken links): NoteEdit

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