Home / Music software / hum2gmn - Humdrum kern to Guido Music Notation converter

hum2gmn - Humdrum kern to Guido Music Notation converter

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Platform: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows

hum2gmn - Humdrum kern to Guido Music Notation converter exports...

hum2gmn - Humdrum kern to Guido Music Notation converter exports GUIDO Music Notation Language

GUIDO Music Notation Language is read by

QuickScore Elite - Music Composition and Notation Software
ScoreRender - sheet music rendering plugin for Wordpress
NoteAbility Pro - a professional music notation package for the Macintosh OS-X operating system
The MusicXML Library (libmusicxml, C++)
GUIDOLib - graphical rendering of musical scores (C++ library)
standalone GUIDO NoteViewer
standalone GUIDO NoteViewer
GIde includes a syntax highlight editor for GUIDO files and a GUI for creating scores by drag and drop
GUIDO parser-kit
GUIDO XML Kit - C++ library
Salieri System - an interactive software environment for structure oriented composition, manipulation and analysis of music

If something is missing or wrong, or if you just want to praise me, I'm glad about getting a mail from you.

hum2gmn - Humdrum kern to Guido Music Notation converter imports...

hum2gmn - Humdrum kern to Guido Music Notation converter imports **kern (.krn)

**kern (.krn) is written by

xml2hum - MusicXML to Humdrum kern converter
mid2hum - MIDI to Humdrum kern converter
pae2kern - Plaine & Easie code to Humdrum kern converter

If something is missing or wrong, or if you just want to praise me, I'm glad about getting a mail from you.

My new eBook (in German)

Professionell Ankern - vom NLP-Practitioner bis zum Coaching and its Website